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Hatsune Miku CV01


Kamisama blessings to every meow, netizens, sisrens and bretherens, sankyuu for be at Hatsune Miku Cafe,  Never feed the trolls sweet people, they want to see your reaction, do not give them your reaction, just ignore hugs!!  Message of the Day: Stay Cool, Calm and Collective, don't let them get to you, they want to fail you with them, never let that happen, you are smarter than that, because, you are the CEO of yourself.  Hugs and Love from The Sound of the Future.

Hatsune Miku Cafe since August 31, 2007

HatsuneMikuCafe.com: Hatsune, Miku, 3dcg, anime, and vocaloid arts

All arts done in secondlife using machinima render technology

3DCG art created with Dragon Viewer

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